Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frustrating couple of days

Hi all. The last few days have been really frustrating and emotionally tiring. My PSP which I've only had for a month suddenly developed at least a hundred stuck pixels all over the screen, it's really frustrating and detracts from the gaming experience to say the least. I called Sony today and since it's under warranty they'll repair or replace it for free which is the good news. My conversation with them was fun, they basically told me to change the brightness of the screen, which of course did jack shit. If running an RGB video on repeat for 14 hours to unstick the pixels didn't help, I don't think adjusting the brightness will. Buuut at least they're gonna send me a shipping label so I can have it repaired. Then I couldn't get service on my cell phone so I had to call T-Mobile. The woman there was helpful at least and told me that the tower in my area is down so it might be awhile until service comes back up. Spending my day off making support calls is always fun.

Then the really sad news is that my mom went to visit her cats, which have been staying at her boyfriend's house while she gets ready to sell her house. She said that one of the cats had something wrong with her mouth and hadn't been eating, she was so thin and weak that my mom thought she was going to die in my mom's arms. My mom fed her and she seems to be doing a bit better but she's not out of danger yet. How much of an idiot does my mom's boyfriend (well technically ex, now, but I won't get into that) have to be to be taking care of a cat for a month and not notice that it's starving to death and can't even walk? Ridiculous...

Eh, I guess that's enough for today, I don't like being depressing in blog posts >.< Just wanted to explain why I hadn't been on much. I'll check out my followers' blogs later today after I clean my room and do some other errands and I hope you guys are all having a really fantastic day. ^.^


  1. damn sorry to hear about the cat , and thats cool they are gonna fix the psp w/o bs, ask for compensation for the time you dont have it while its getting repaired , microsoft does it for the 360's (gives harddrives ,games,ect),but idk sony charges like 250 for there yellow light of death which is retarded...

  2. Guh. that poor cat. I had a cat pass like that. :(

  3. When they send your PSP back make sure it's yours! I had a friend send his 360 in with his hard drive for repairs and they sent him a whole new system including a new hard drive (losing all his saves/etc)

    Have you considered jailbreaking your PSP? It's a great way to get games for free (ROMs) and take full advantage of your hand held's capabilities. Just know that if you do you void the warranty and will probably not be able to send it in again.

  4. wait... wat? the random drama post and this post doesn't add up.

  5. @ Naj: which part? if it's because i talked about my mom and dad, my parents are divorced. but my mom was temporarily staying at my dad's place (where my brother and I live) because she found out something unforgivable that her boyfriend at the time, now her ex boyfriend did. Sorry if it sounded confusing, things are very strange right now to say the least. But yeah, my mom and dad haven't been married for about 20 years.

  6. @ A random 'feller

    Yeah they said they will either replace it or send me a new unit. All save information for the PSP is loaded onto a memory stick, I already took my memory stick out and I'm definitely keeping it. They can't have my save data >:o

    I am a little hesitant to jail break, I know of Pandora's Battery and such but I have a 3000 and I've heard that the original ones are easier to jailbreak. I don't mind buying games, I don't think I've paid more than $20 for a game since I got the system (with the exception of Persona 3 Portable, had to have that) because I shop for good bargains and generally pick up used games. And especially now, I'm glad I didn't modify it or I wouldn't have been able to send it in for the screen to be fixed >.<

  7. I agree with Vibe. Good luck!

  8. Poor PSP! Poor Cat! Today will be better

  9. Things will get better. Just have to smile. :)

  10. damn. glad you guys found your cat in time.
    poor baby. :(

  11. beat him up, wtf!!! but hang in there. :D

  12. is the screen changeable? (i dont have a PSP)

  13. Sounds like my ferret. Except he's on and off. I think he's better for the time being though.

  14. technology is awesome, until it breaks

  15. Bummer on both counts. I hope the kitty pulls through.

  16. they always send you a refurbished unit

  17. @Mitsuru
    ahh... i get it now. not i understand why your father said in your previous post that it was "his" house.

  18. it is super frustrating when a game we pay a lot of money for is faulty.. i know from experience... *ahem* red rings of freakin' death.

  19. Just breathe, breathe in the air...

  20. My cat started having seizures for like a month, then they just stopped, it was weird. He's still rocking out at age 12

  21. I'd love to see you do that :)

  22. When they send your PSP back make sure it's yours!
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